The following are ten zombie flicks that will give you nightmares

The movie Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead is being produced by Troma and promises to be vulgar, violent, and to have no bounds or sense of good taste. In addition to that, the sociological commentary on consumer society is rather astutely delivered.

On an unknown island, the crew of a submerged SS submarine has dumped its crew of zombies as part of a Nazi experiment, and a party of wayward boaters find themselves among them. Peter Cushing has a cameo as the SS Commander, although he plays a confused and miscast role.

A soldier who has become a zombie convinces some lazy friends that they are great warriors. Like Colin, the movie is told from the zombie's point of view, but with a clever and funny twist.

Zeder is a strange horror-drama with a new take on zombie flicks, following a young author who tries to solve the mystery of the K-Zones.

Some whites accept colonialism's worst aspects as refugees.

The Serpent and the Rainbow, directed by Wes Craven in 1988, is an unexpected resurgence of the voodoo-style Haitian zombie, and a reminder that a "voodoo zombie" picture that takes itself semi-seriously and seeks to shock is definitely still conceivable.

Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino's Planet Terror is a hilarious zombie flick about violent mutants. In terms of being that kind of movie, it succeeds admirably and could have done better at the box office.

Rammbock is a German feature film that runs for 63 minutes. It follows Michael, a deluded jerk who goes to his girlfriend's apartment just as a zombie outbreak breaks out.

In Rammbock, infection does not always imply death and zombification, and powerful emotions might set off the whole metamorphosis. The film is also remarkably devoid of gore.

Robert Englund portrays a potentially zombified village native, while Jack Albertson plays the quirky town coroner/mortician.

Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead is a post-apocalyptic zombie movie with style. It is terrifying without being sad, creative without being pretentious, and brutal without being like Peter Jackson's Dead Alive or Bad Taste.

One Cut of the Dead is a cute zombie film about actors trying to broadcast a zombie short film live on television.

One Cut of the Dead is a film about a shoestring budget and the DIY attitude that depicts the creative energy and flexibility of low-budget filmmakers like George Romero.

The film is about a parasitic alien slug invasion that transforms its victims into superpowered zombies. It's a risqué, rather sleazy horror picture set in a college, and it frequently seems like Animal House with zombies.

Hammer Horror made numerous famous monster pictures, like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, but they also produced a wonderful zombie movie, Plague of the Zombies. The zombies appear rotten and terrifying, and the film clearly draws inspiration from Night of the Living Dead in terms of its aesthetic.

Dawn of the Dead by Zack Snyder is a leaner, more violent, and action-packed modern zombie thriller that owes a great deal to 28 Days Later. It boasts one of the best beginning moments in zombie film history.

Zombieland transfers the narrative to the United States and brings strangers together instead of friends. It contains terrifying zombies, humorous violence, and entertainment centered on the personalities.

Lucio Fulci's film The Beyond blends a haunted home aesthetic with demonic possession, the living dead, and eerie apparitions.

The first Paranormal Activity and Romero's own Diary of the Dead were both released in 2007, a breakout year for found-footage horror. REC, a Spanish film that combines classic zombie legend with religious mysticism, is still perhaps the finest found-footage zombie film.

If there was a zombie outbreak, digital phones would get it. This movie illustrates it beautifully.

Demons is a zombie film set at a movie theater filled with odd characters such as preppy teenagers, feuding couples, a pimp and his prostitutes, and even a blind man.

Zombi 2 is the genre's crown gem, enhancing the craziness and gore. It has classic scary scenes.

Night of the Living Dead, directed by George A. Romero, is widely regarded as the best zombie film of all time.

Romero's picture defined the zombie genre's rules, and every zombie film afterwards has been inspired by it. It's the horror version of Tolkien's effect on high fantasy "races," and you can't talk about zombies without mentioning Romero's picture.

Evil Dead 2 is a remake of the first Evil Dead film and is one of the greatest, most briskly paced horror comedy ever made. This film is also symbolic of the shifting attitude towards zombies in movies.

Together, 28 Days Later and Shaun of the Dead set norms for the "modern" zombie picture and demonstrated that the cultural zeitgeist of zombies could also be exploited for laughter.

Day of the Dead redefines the attributes of the classic Romero ghoul, and introduces "Bub", maybe the single most iconic zombie in Romero's oeuvre, who (this link) displays a unique level of personality and even humor.

The classic zombie film had all but died by the time 28 Days Later came out in 2002, but the film revitalized the idea and made zombies a genuine threat. In the twenty-first century, it also gave birth to the serious zombie film.

The presentation, professionalism, thematic depth, and visual effects all improve with each subsequent Dawn of the Dead installment. The plot takes place in a tacky shopping mall that has been overrun by zombies, and the film is known for its iconic visual style, which other zombie movies either imitated or parodied.

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